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Break Free from Emotional Eating
[LISTEN] Welcome (3:59)
About your instructor
[LISTEN] Meet Your Instructor (6:03)
How to use Healing everyday & core feeling Emotional Mastery mini course
[READ] How To Use This Course
[ACTION] Action sheets
Healing everyday & core feeling Emotional Mastery
[LISTEN] Feeling Assessment (7:18)
[LISTEN] Feelings That You Avoid (8:02)
[READ] Feelings Wheel
[ACTION ] Feelings Assessment Documentation
[ACTION] Feelings And Associations Documentation
Understanding emotions
[LISTEN] Emotions And Their Functions (6:10)
[LISTEN] Feeling Frequencies (3:33)
[LISTEN ] Feelings and Pain (3:58)
[LISTEN] Feelings And Their Power. (4:10)
Testing Your limiting Beliefs
[ACTION/ READ ] Test Your Limiting Beliefs Documentation
[LISTEN} Testing Your Limiting Beliefs (3:23)
Soothing Feelings
[LISTEN] Processing Feelings (1:29)
[LISTEN] Understanding Your Self Talk Pattern (4:56)
[LISTEN] Soothing Feelings (6:53)
[READ] Self Talk Assesment Example
[ACTION] Self Talk Assesment Action Sheet
[READ] Self Soothing Script Example
[ACTION] Self Soothing Script Document
Healing Associations
( Listen ) Idenfiying your food associations (5:39)
(Action) Listing food associations documents
(Listen) Breaking free from food associations (11:11)
(Action) Healing technique documentation
(Listen) Swish Technique (5:15)
( Listen) Identify times and events associations (3:55)
(Action) Identifying Documentation
( Listen ) Breaking free from times and event association (10:29)
(Listen) Swapping technique (6:39)
Healing Human Need Psychology
What is HNP (5:17)
Human need documentation
Identity HNP in your eating Behaviour (19:16)
Swapping and Healing techniques that heal HNP (5:29)
Swapping Documentation
Core feelings minicourse
Core feeling introduction (3:40)
Hearing and understanding Core feelings (14:31)
Understanding the construct : I am it is (26:37)
Treating The evidence (31:17)
letting go (26:38)
Healing Binge and Secret eating
Intro secret & Binge eating (3:31)
Identifying the feelings behind the eating (6:16)
Creating and soothing the feelings (10:13)
Pleasure associations (9:11)
Pleasure Associations Documentation
Self Forgiveness (8:55)
Self Forgiveness Documentation
Healing self esteem : Understanding your Why
Understanding your Why (LISTEN) (23:30)
limiting belief Cheat Sheet
Self esteem mini course
Self Esteem: Intro (3:00)
Your Value : WHO ARE YOU (7:12)
Self Esteem: Liking Who You Are (3:50)
Self Confidence: Believing in your self (9:07)
Reset Program
Reset Detox Guide
7 Day Recipes
Kitchen clean out cheat sheet
Supplement guide
weight Tracker
Thank you
[LISTEN] Thank You (1:17)
Teach online with
[ACTION] Self Soothing Script Document
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